Unfortunately, I haven't really gotten much accomplished. This is a full hour flying month so there hasn't been a lot of time to try and tackle many projects but I have done some of the things I've been trying to cross off the list:
- I've gone snowboarding a few more times and although I still fall down almost constantly, I'm getting better. I'm still terrible, believe me, but now I can turn and stop about a third of the time while before, I would fall if I even thought about turning.
- I managed to get my guest room painted. I was trying to be mindful of spending and opted to go with a brand other than Benjamin Moore for the paint and I regret that decision now. The colours are fine but the paint was a lot thinner than I'm used to so there are some spots where the paint ran (yes, I know, that also means I had too much paint on the roller but that doesn't happen with BM paints!!). I still have some hooks, a mirror and some art to hang in the room but painting was the biggest job and that's done now.
- I've continued de-cluttering around the house. Every so often I'll see something and think "Yeah...that can go." I'm actually really happy that I sorted through my clothes the other day because getting dressed is SO MUCH EASIER when I can see what I have. It doesn't look like I'll be losing much, if any, weight so the items that are on notice are probably going to be making an exit but we'll see if I'm suddenly motivated to get really strict on my diet and exercise regime.
Today I had to help my parents out with rides to and from a medical clinic (don't worry, everyone's fine!!) and while I was waiting, I popped into the local Goodwill. Not exactly the wisest thing to do when I'm trying to cut down on material things but I saw something I had been lusting after for probably a few years and decided I'd let myself get it.
Ta DA!!
I really shouldn't be getting this excited over a cake stand.
I've seen this style of stand in magazines many times. I was very happy to see one and be able to snag it. It wasn't as cheap as I'd have liked ($10) but I've never seen them in retail stores for less than twice that. I also picked up a stainless steel colander (no picture because it's not exciting at all) to replace my plastic one. The plastic one is still in great shape (and will either be sold at a garage sale or donated to a thrift store) but I've gotten a bit wary of using plastics in my kitchen and am hoping to slowly make the switch to other materials.
Anyways, I *had* to make some treats to put on the stand for its photo op. These are Banana-Nut Oat Bran muffins, a recipe I found at "two peas & their pod". The muffins turned out moist with a beautiful banana flavour. I used corn syrup since I had some I wanted to use up but otherwise I followed the recipe. I'd add cinnamon next time and probably throw in more walnuts but they are great as is.
Hopefully it won't be so long til my next post but until then, make every day count!